AlexJames EmCom is short for Alexandrite-James Empowerment Community. The Community founders intend to raise funds for charitable purposes by going to the public for donations. In return, the donors become the primary beneficiary of the money they pool together. The Community will give away 85% of the gathered funds and share it among the donor members with no member ever going to get hurt. Registration to be a member is simple and straightforward.
Donation Scheme
Sign up and provide the required details. The order of your name MUST be as it appears on the bank account you provided. Failure to comply may lead to account suspension and outright termination. You can join after someone has referred you or as a free agent [a non-referred member]. You can choose to be actively involved and progress fast by recruiting people and get referral bonuses. Every service rendered is optional and nothing is compulsory.
You can join the community under all or either of the membership categories. There are three categories and each category has five [5] bags. The value of the second bag doubles the first, and the value of the third bag doubles the second, etc.
The first bag in BASIC CATEGORY is N2,500.
The first bag in REGULAR CATEGORY is N5,000.
The first bag in PREMIUM CATEGORY is N20,000.
Each category has a combo of N77,500, N155,000, N620,000 respectively and a grand combo of N852,500 for all the categories.
Kindly donate as your pocket permits.
All members, as they registered, are stacked in a group of seven people under the principle of First Come, First Served. The system shall attach two people to every individual. Therefore, each person will have two people on their level 1 and four people on their level 2. When a stacking of 2 people by 2 people is attained a reward shall follow.
Once every member has been successfully stacked on a 2 x 2 matrix, the topmost individual is rewarded and then automatically reintegrated in the system for more rewards. All members shall get rewards four times [4x] which may amount to thirteen times [13x] their donation in a year.

How It Works ...The public will primarily donate according to various abilities and collectively form a COMMUNITY that EMPOWERS its members. The Community shall be organised as an interlocked SEVEN-MEMBERED-SMALL-GROUP. The systematic rework of each member's position with an appropriate COMPENSATION would result in the successful payback of the amount each member donated as fast as possible. Each member would progressively earn more as the population grows.
When individuals REGISTER and DONATE any amount of choice (₦x) [tree-1), the Community obliges them to recruit two new members (2 direct/primary recruits) [tree-2]. When this is done, the process initiator (YOU) has completed Level 1. When the two direct recruits successfully recruit two people each [tree-3], they collectively achieve Level 2 (4 secondary recruits) for YOU. The process initiator, YOU (tree-1), would get a reward equivalent to the amount donated (₦x). As the six people under YOU completes their level 1 & 2, they are placed under YOU for Reward 2. Every members in a team would become the pivot point for others to work for.

Please Note: The process initiator or YOU in the diagram above may recruit all six in their team and earn a 5% referral bonus on each of the excess four. There is no limit to the number of recruits, and all members are eligible to receive a referral bonus(es). All the members who recruit two new members to fill their two legs earn the maximum Rewards (13x) for each bag. The system recycles the old members among the freshest in what the Community calls the 'DEEP AND WIDE REINTEGRATION" using the least number of people possible to achieve these incredible Rewards.

There are 15 bags in the community for donation, valued at N852,500. The community growth structure ensures all members donate into all the bags at least once in one year irrespective of the starting point. However, the rate of completion of task is determined by member's activeness.
1. When a member registers, donates, and successfully recruits two people [self recruit] to fill their first two legs, and the next higher bag is activated [self activated] they get full rewards - X + 4X + 4X + 4X = 13X.
2. Where a member does not subscribe to all the bag in a category but they self recruit the two people attached to them, when the 2nd Rewards matures in a particular bag, the community will take a portion of the reward to activate the next higher bag and deduct the cost and the applicable surcharge from the expected reward. Hence, the rewards shall be X + 2X + 4X + 4X = 11X.
3. When a member did not recruit the two people attached to them [system recruit] after donating, but the next higher bag was self activated, the rewards shall be - X + X + 2X + 4X = 8X.
4. When a member does not recruit the two people attached to them [system recruit] and the next higher bag was also system activated, then the rewards shall be - X + 0X + X + 4X = 6X
The Community operates OPEN-AND-CLOSE ENTRY POINTS, whereby new members can join with or without a referral.This approach enables that new participants from all walks of life can freely mingle with old members to enhance the speedy matrix completion.
Deductions are taken from members that did not timely recruit the two people attached to them. While the highest earnable is 13x donation, others may earn 6x at most. The deducted funds are used to pay referral bonuses, upgrade members' status where necessary or create and inject Virtual Members (Agents) into the community to make up for the unrecruited people. This approach ensures that where some members refused to live up to their recruitment obligations, community stability and longevity are not adversely affected.
As an alternative to members joining the community and waiting for months to receive Rewards of 13x maximum, the Community offers a RECRUIT & EARN program. ACCELERATED EARNINGS offers members with the appropriate recruiting network to register forty-five (45) people in thirty (30) days and earn average 15% of the total donation instantly. If you can, pick a bag in the Regular Category and for every ten days share your accelerated earning referral link to recruit fifteen (15) people each for three consecutive periods to earn 10%: 15%: 20% of the total donation. It is acceptable to spend a fewer days for the total recruit but not an hour more.
ACCELERATED EARNINGS shall run from January to August every year.
The annual skin shedding is a unique idea that guarantees no members are left unsatisfied. The public must understand that every member has from January 1 to December 30 each year to make as much money as possible on the Empowerment Community Platform. The level of commitment and active involvement will determine individual member's performance. On December 30 (that is after 364 days), all transactions shall cease.
On December 31, all UNREWARDED MEMBERS (members who have not received Reward 1) in the outgoing year shall be extracted, restacked at half-bag value (except in Lead bag), and rewarded immediately. The remnants of the unrewarded members will become the starting members in the New Year. Intermittently, unrewarded members will be restacked at full bag value in any year the reserved funds in the Trust Funds and Community Support accounts are sufficient for that purpose. No one should entertain fear because our system automatically upgrades members' status at every Reward 2. And to be the starting members in a new year for the unrewarded members is a huge privilege.
On January 1, the Community will reactivate-at-full-bag value for all old members who earned all four rewards in any bag in the outgoing year. From January 2, all old and new members can join the Community again by donating fresh funds. Old members don't have to register afresh.
Please, read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for in-depth explanations.
Register Now to EnjoyBASIC MEMBER
- Selflessness
- Empathy
- Integrity
- Technology
Joy, Empowerment, & Hope
Five Guiding Principles (5GPs) shall uphold the Community's activities:
- A-Help-To-Others-Is-A-Help-To-Self
- Let-None-Be-Left-Behind
- First-In-First-Out
- With-One-A-Hundred-With-Ten-A-Million (The Amazing Power of Networking)
- Community-Skin-Shedding-Is-Our-Regeneration-Plan.
a. By completing your registration, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Community.b. Your USERNAME may be a name other than your real name. E g. your nickname or an alias.
c. Any false declaration shall be regarded as deceit punishable by the law. There will also be suspension and subsequent termination of your membership.
d. Do not send unsolicited email messages to Community operators and members. If you do, we shall terminate your account.
e. Do not post messages containing your affiliate link unrelated to the service rendered in Newsgroups or Chatgroup.
f. Do not provide telephone numbers not registered in your name for registration. You may erode your locus standi in the face of conflict resolution.
g. Do not provide fake or unregistered home addresses during registration.
h. The bank details you provided must carry the name you registered as a member; else, we will terminate your account without warning.
i. We shall terminate your account if we receive reports that you shortchanged a third party or an illiterate during registration.
j. Members caught spamming or otherwise causing harm to our program will have their accounts terminated and may be prosecuted for their actions.
k. Multiple registrations of self are illegal and put you at a great disadvantage. It will hunt you when you least expect it.
Join our Facebook and Instagram Page – The Alexandrites – for regular updates.
- Alexandrite-James-Cash-Back Program
- Alexandrite-James Foundation
- Empowerment Community Annual Skin Shedding
Under these programs, the Community founders would raise funds for charitable purposes by going to the public for donations. In return, the donors become the primary beneficiary of the money they pool together.
- AlexJames-Cash-Back Program will serve as a cash-rewarding program for donors to the Empowerment Community. The Community would systematically stack its donors on a 2 x 2 matrix and reward each member as they complete the seven-donor stacking. For trusting, participating, and helping to convince other people to join, each member will get cash rewards that, over a period, would amount to 13 times the individual's donation. That sounds incredible. Well, the Community is here to make it happen.
- Alexandrite-James Foundation will receive a portion of the accumulated funds and any voluntary donations from the members and the public.
- Empowerment Community Annual Skin Shedding Typical of a multilevel marketing built on a binary structure, experience has shown that a time may come when further duplication of population might be difficult or impractical. To forestall this scenario, on January 2 every year, existing structures and rewards shall cease and all unrewarded members shall form the nucleus of a new community. All the old members are free to join afresh - donating, recruiting, and getting more rewards.
BASIC MEMBERSHIP: Members are to donate (₦x) into one Bag, multiple Bags, or all five (5) Bags [a combo of ₦77,500].
REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: Members are to donate (₦x) into one Bag, multiple Bags, or all five (5) Bags [a combo of ₦155,000].
PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP: Members are to donate (₦x) into one Bag, multiple Bags, or all five (5) Bags [a combo of ₦620,000].
The super combo comprises all the combos for the price of ₦852,500. Activities in all bags run concurrently – at the same time. The system shall ensure all members are registered in all the 15 bags by upgrading member's status at every second reward using a part of the intended payout funds.

Once your 2 x 2 matrix is attained, as shown in the above diagram, YOU will get a reward equivalent to the amount you donated (₦x).
The Community takes delight in compensating all hardworking members. You shall receive a 5% referral bonus on all the people you register in excess of two, provided they registered in the same Bag you registered. Or you get 3% if they donate to the Bag you have not activated.
The donor may or may not be referred. Referrals guarantee recruits are attached to members in a bag(s) they have activated; and, if need be, to earn bonuses. Non-referred donors freely join the Community and are connected to the oldest donor with an incomplete leg to satisfy our first-in-first-out principle. Also, we do not wish to leave any member behind – the 2nd Guiding Principle.
- A-Help-To-Others-Is-A-Help-To-Self.
- Let-None-Be-Left-Behind.
- First-In-First-Out.
- With-One-A-Hundred-With-Ten-A-Million (The Amazing Power of Networking).
- Annual-Skin-Shedding-Guarantees-Our-Longevity.
The Community regards any member who recruits and fills their two legs as an active donor. Any member that receives assistance from the Community or other members to fill one or two legs is regarded as a non-active donor. An active donor will receive cash reward four times [X + 4X + 4X + 4X] totalling 13X; X is the amount donated. The non-active member receives a lesser amount. Whether the next higher bag is activated or not will further affect the paid rewards.
Yes, members that are active in all the bags and activated the next higher valued bag before Reward 2 is paid would collect all Rewards in full.
No, because the total potential earnings for an active donor is 13x. However, only Reward 1 & 4 totalling 5x are guaranteed or irrevocable payments provided that member's activities reached the required levels. Reward 2 & 3 are conditional earnings.
- For a non-active member, the penalty is prorated and deducted from Rewards 2 & 3, thereby reducing the earning power.
- Generally, when the system activates another Bag for a member, the cost [Status Upgrade cost (2x)] and 10% surcharge is deducted from the 2nd Reward of the running Bag. To avoid the extra cost, members would do well to activate the next Bag before the 2nd Reward matures for payment. Watch the dashboard constantly.
Your recruitment must be timely and quickly done. Your recruits must fill your two legs. Where the Community or your team members fill any of your legs before you do so, you shall be regarded as a non-active member. However, you shall collect referral bonuses for all the recruits you made, irrespective of the total number.
The same applies if your recruits donate to bags other than the Bag you activated. In that case, you will get the 3% bonus. Remember that there are five bags in each category, and being non-active in one or two bags does not imply unfruitfulness. To eliminate the setback, register as many people as you can.
- (a).Donate as quickly as possible, and never procrastinate.
- (b).All bags run concurrently; the earlier you activate your bags, even when you are not sure of getting the recruits, the better for you. It is better to earn 45% than nothing.
- (c).Donate within your full potential, but without adversely affecting your basic daily living.
- (d).If possible, recruit all six people to your team and earn a 5% bonus on all four extra recruits.
- (e).When you donate and risk a "large" amount, work hard and quickly to regain your donation – your 1st Reward refunds your donation, which is under your control.
- (f).Take part in ACCELERATED EARNINGS program only when you are sure that you can recruit the required number within the given time frame – 15 people every 10 days for three consecutive periods to earns an average of 15% of the total donations instantly.
- (g).Never circumvent or violate the Community's rules; else, your account will be terminated – see the Community rules.
- (h).Take ownership of this program as your business and promote it by creating flyers and posters to draw lots of people to help yourself and your team members.
- (i).You can only be regarded as an active member when you activate (self-activate) a bag. A member is inactive in any system activated bag though they are entitled to receiving their referral bonus(es).
Each stage is a function of either of the two factors: ten days or the recruitment of fifteen people. Once any of the two is attained, the clock stops, and payment is made promptly. A member may recruit the entire forty-five people in fewer days. It is a case of the winner-takes-it-all, you either win, or the Community wins when the final clock stops.
Kindly register only once. One membership number (Member ID) is sufficient for a lifetime. There is no limit to the number of transactions and subsequent Transaction ID. Multiple registrations attract severe punishment. Typically, when a member activates a bag, it disappears on the donation plate. However, such a bag will reappear after completing the third REWARD. At that point a member may activate the bag again to keep themselves perpetual in the Community till the end of the year.
- 1. The annual community 'skin shedding' whereby all unrewarded members at the end of a year are rolled over into the New Year and as the first to be rewarded is a first of it's kind. This practice will guarantee system and platform longevity.
- 2. The Empowerment Community is not a get-rich-quickly scheme with hidden or unknown fund sources. Recycling or reintegrating members' positions for optimal earning is ingenious but not unexplainable.
- 3. Donor members receive more rewards as the community population increases. That is logical, unlike a fixed percentage on a member's deposit when the deposit was never invested to yield any interest.
- 4. Penalties for inactivity provide for Community contingencies such as bonus payments, the creation of virtual members, and the annual skin shedding which curtail potential community bogus spread.
- 5. The introduction of the Virtual Members or Agents guarantees that each members get a refund of their donations quickly. This is a statement that the platform was not created to cheat any donor.
- 6. We also have a grand exit plan to pay all unrewarded members their full donation at any year we chose to wind down operations.